Empact Group leadership team

Empact Group leadership team – Kubendran Moodley

September 26, 2022


Kubendran Moodley, Empact Group’s Managing Director for Food Solutions, is driven to make a positive difference at work – and in the world – by cultivating collaborative partnerships at every level of the company. Kubendran stands firm in the belief that growth and profitability are synonymous with ensuring the utmost care for people, clients and the environment. And having been awarded the prestigious CEO’s award in recognition of his dedication, contribution and enhancement of the business, his approach has not gone unnoticed. Kubendran discusses the concept of leadership that cares enough to do right by its people.

“Bestselling author Robin Sharma said, ‘Leadership is not about a title or a designation, it’s about impact, influence and inspiration’.


These words ring true for me because the only way any leader can accomplish synergy is through sustained dialogue and collaboration; understanding every aspect of the business and the people that will ultimately be responsible for bringing our shared vision to life.

“Psychologist Dr Paul G Power lists sustained dialogue as one of the five essentials of leadership. Beyond focusing on what we need to achieve as managers in the organisation, we need to get out there and engage with our teams – the people who truly make our company a success by doing the important work, face-to-face with our customers.

“Our people are the core and the heart of our business. I remind myself of that every day, so I am always governed by the principles of ethical leadership, integrity, emotional intelligence and empathy.

“We foster empathy with every person in the team so we can implement management strategies that allow us to think beyond the ‘organisational machine’. My management philosophy is to create an environment that encourages employees to be productive. Empathy is the key to doing that. We accomplish better productivity by maintaining high morale, encouraging the team and rewarding our top achievers.

“I am a firm believer in democratic leadership, which involves all members of my team in the decision-making process. I am a strong supporter of the Empact values, with a special emphasis on integrity and service. One of our core values is that people are the most valuable assets in our business. We live that every day, and we must empower our employees with the necessary skills and information to ensure the success of our organisation.

“True empathy helps us develop a culture of quality performance management, building better cooperation and collaboration. And even when we have tough decisions to make, it is our responsibility to hear every side of the story. American military leader, Douglas Macarthur wisely summed up effective leadership:

‘A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.’”

The Empact name echoes its core principles – empathy and impact, working in unison for the greater good. Get in touch to find out more about how Empact can help you.

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